Wednesday, February 11, 2009


remembering the common
forgetting the obscure nights of
rushing colors and clouds of
uncertain stillness.

this then was the setting and he and i sitting
on are store boughten chairs
drinking whiskey from our plastic cups
were the sitters
we, discussing the world while she
slips into obivion and
we having alittle lonesome fun.
he, with no false pride me,
admireing his integrity. me,speaking of the past
he the future but
both realizing that the uncertainties are at best
only for the certain.
and we, talking as if we were both great philosophers
suddenly realize the
lights have been dimmed and it is time to go to bed.
me,lying down to dream
can still here his incessant laughter.


  1. i like this. in what time period does it take place? i like the dynamic that occurs between the 1st person and the other man.

  2. This was Easter Sunday, 1967. I landed in Viet Nam and there was a sign which said 12,748 miles to home.
